DakhaBrakha is world music quartet from Kyiv, Ukraine. Reflecting fundamental elements of sound and soul, they have been leaving audiences breathless for more than a decade with their utterly unique mix...
Celebrating their 20th anniversary as a vanguard Hip Hop and street dance ensemble, Versa-Style shines a spotlight on West Coast Hip Hop and the street dance styles that originated in L.A. The uplifting and energetic Rooted Rhythms pays tribute to leading artists of the ever-evolving global street dance culture that includes styles such as whacking, popping, locking and more.
Versa-Style is recognized for its electrifying performances and inspiring programs for youth and communities. Consisting of committed, highly-skilled dance artists representing the diversity and beautiful complexity of L.A., the company empowers through the movement and culture of Hip Hop dance.
“Los Angeles’ Best Dance Troupe for Hip Hop Empowerment.”
– LA Weekly