Johnnie Cruise Mercer

Johnnie Cruise Mercer/TheREDprojectNYC is a community of artistic deconstructionist that believe in the thorough reevaluation of the human super ego in order to psycho-analyse self’s relation to colonization. Confronting social conflict, engaging needed conversation, and sparking the processes of reconstructing/healing, the company is deeply invested in facilitating live performance experiences that challenge reality, and embrace the concept of perspicacious seeing.
Founded in 2014 in Richmond, VA (later to be relocated to New York City in 2015) the blossoming company has performed in numerous venues including The Dance Place, Dogtown Dance Theater, BAAD! (Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance), Gibney Dance’s Agnes Varis Performing Arts Center, Dogtown Dance Theater, The Center for Performance Research, Brooklyn Arts Exchange (BAX), Danspace @ St. Mark’s Church, Harlem Repertory Theater, The Greenspace, The Bolls Theater of Detroit, The Grace Street Theater of Virginia and as a part of various festivals throughout the country.


Fusebox Performances