Los Outsiders

Los Outsiders, the Austin based curatorial collective, began in 2007 when Jaime Salvador Castillo, Michael Anthony García, and Hector Hernandez met exhibiting work in Mexic-Arte Museum’s “Young Latino Artists 11: Juventud Desenfrenada.” With the addition of Robert Jackson Harrington in 2014, Los Outsiders broadened the scope of their creative endeavors.

Collectively, Los Outsiders develop platforms for artistic dialog such as the Los Outsider video-podcasts, curating group exhibitions with local, national, and international artists. Recent projects include Dance Your Pants Off and #ATXLoteria, focusing on artist driven community involvement and engagement.

In 2012, the Austin Critics’ Table awarded Los Outsiders Best Group Show Curation for “Heir Today Gone Tomorrow,” and did so again for their April, 2015 exhibition, “Gently Fried.”

Fusebox Performances