Rachel Simone Weil

Rachel Simone Weil combines approaches from electrical engineering, art history, and DIY culture to create video art and electronic objects that reimagine the history of technology. She has produced glitch art and interactive works for formats ranging from payphones to browsers to 1980s video game consoles to handmade textiles. Weil’s work is united by playful subversion of historical narratives, often through the creation of fakes and forgeries, to imagine a whimsical playground of electronic artifacts from an imagined past that privileges diverse participation over commercial viability. She has performed, shown work, or curated shows for museums and small DIY shows alike, including Blip Festival (New York), the V&A Museum (London), Glitch Festival (Chicago), and the Living Computer Museum (Seattle). Weil is also the founder of FEMICOM Museum.

FEMICOM Museum is a physical and digital museum and archive dedicated to the preservation and reimagination of femme aesthetics and girlhood within twentieth-century video games, computing, and electronic toys. Since its founding in 2012, FEMICOM Museum has been operated by Rachel Simone Weil.

Welcome to my Homepage is an international online residency program hosted by The Museum of Human Achievement in Austin, TX that offers artists a low-stakes opportunity to experiment and explore the web as a site for creative production. Welcome to my Homepage is a non-traditional art venue that encourages net.art appreciation and conversation both online and IRL. Founded by media artist Rachel Stuckey in 2014, Homepage has hosted over 85 artists from across the world wide web.

Fusebox Performances