Join our Board of Directors!

When you join the Fusebox Family, you are helping to commission & premiere ground-breaking performances; bring unique projects to thousands of people; and create vital professional development + training opportunities for artists. Fusebox marries our city’s bold independent spirit and its generous sense of collaboration with a deep belief in the potential of creativity and imagination to shape the world.

Expertise We Seek in Future Board Members
Fusebox is searching for adventurous, engaged, and philanthropic individuals from any location and all walks of life to help benefit our community. Below are some specific areas of expertise we are currently seeking in potential Board members, but service is not limited to these areas.

  • Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism and Equity

    • A person who shares our commitment to diversity, equity and anti-racism work within a board, staff, and programmatic level.

  • Strategic Planning

    • A person interested in the planning and implementation of practices that will ensure the growth and security of the organization

  • Community Engagement

    • A person deeply connected to one of Austin’s various communities and shares an interest in supporting the arts.

  • Donor and Fund Development

    • A person with ties to a large corporation(s) that may be able to facilitate charitable giving and/or corporate sponsorship.

    • A person with experience / drive to help connect Fusebox to new donors and help steward individual giving.

  • Fiduciary Oversight and Financial Management

    • A CPA, accountant, or banker.


Board Member Requirements
Board Members are asked to attend a majority of quarterly board meetings (either in person or via phone/video conference), attend productions during the annual Festival, participate in events throughout the year when possible, support the organization with a yearly financial contribution (give or get) and help with fundraising (and friendraising) activities. Service requirements include:

  • Attend quarterly board meetings (two hours each)

  • Chair or participate on a committee team

    • Committee teams meet approximately an hour each month

  • Support and actively participate in Fusebox Festival scheduled events, shows, and fundraisers

  • Meet yearly with the Executive Director and Development Director to explore connections with potential to help raise the profile and support the organization

  • Assist with board prospecting

  • Champion Fusebox’s mission to your community and connections


The Board’s Primary Functions
We are a governing board, though we all wear other volunteer hats. Members participate as committee chairs, event helpers, financial advisors, and more. As a member of the board, the main function is to be a primary force helping the organization to realize its opportunities for service and fulfillment of its mission.


If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out to: