With Miriam, the renowned choreographer and dancer Nora Chipaumire creates her first character-driven work—a deeply personal dance-theater performance that looks closely at the tensions women face between...
Pecou sifts through rap music, hip hop culture, and mass media to provide a visual reference that exaggerates and calls into question the persona and “hype” upon which an entire segment of today’s society measures their worth. These popular ideals and images contrast starkly with the realities of most black youths, but often become the goals that many aspire to.
Punctuating each painting in All Dat Glitters Ain’t Goals is an original rap song written and performed by Fahamu Pecou.
Fahamu Pecou is an American painter based in Atlanta, Georgia. His work comments on contemporary and hip-hop culture while simultaneously subverting it to include his ideas on fine art. His most recent work addresses concerns around representations of black masculinity and how these images come to de- fine black men across generations and geographical boundaries.
Since 2005, Fahamu has been featured in several solo and group exhibitions in the U.S. and abroad, including solo exhibitions in New York, Paris, Art Basel (Basel, Switzerland), and Cape Town, South Africa. His work is featured in noted private and public collections including; Nasher Museum at Duke University, Paul R. Jones Collection, Clark Atlanta University Art Collection, and Museum of Contemporary Art Georgia. His work has been reviewed and featured in numerous publications including; Art In America, Harper’s Magazine, NY Arts Magazine, Mass Appeal Magazine, The Fader Magazine, Atlanta Peach Magazine, ARC Magazine, and on the cover of Artlies Magazine.
ARTIST WEBSITE: www.fahamupecouart.com