GRACKLE CALL is a performative audiovisual tour that directs audiences to the roosting locations of the Great-tailed Grackle. Mimicking a birding experience, participants will be provided with binoculars,...
Image by David Weaver
A Skyspace, for the uninitiated, is a naked-eye observatory where visitors view the sky through an opening in the ceiling called an oculus. Since the 1970’s, artist James Turrell has been creating environments to observe light and space all around the world — including a large scale work inside a dormant volcano in Arizona. Austin’s Skyspace, “The Color Inside,” was commissioned in 2013 by Landmarks, the public art program of UT Austin. At around dusk, Turrell’s work comes alive with color surrounding the oculus dramatically altering the viewer’s perception of the sky as it transitions from blue to black.
In April of 2016, three composers (Travis Weller, Brent Fariss, and Andrew Stoltz) presented three pieces for violin trio inspired by the experience of a sunset in the Skyspace. Turrell invites visitors to “go inside and greet the light.” NMC’s three composers seek to enhance the experience with music in conversation with the journey from daylight to darkness.
NMC is excited to bring a second round of performances to the Skyspace to celebrate the release of this music on CD.
This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.