Ezra Masch Milo Tamez Sean Ripple
Presented by Co-Lab Projects

VOLUMES is a project by multidisciplinary artist Ezra Masch: an audio-visual instrument that uses a drum set to activate a site-specific grid of lights. The volume of the sound corresponds to the volume of the gallery/exhibition space. The system translates sound into a visual language, allowing percussionists to express their ideas 3-dimensionally. It is an immersive, multi-sensory experience that is part instrument, part sculpture, and part performance. Masch sees this work as an opportunity to experiment with the process and perception of sonic performance. Participating drummers explore the relationship between temporal space and physical space, as well as the connection between sound and moving image. The connection between light and sound has fascinated artists, musicians, and scientists for centuries, Masch’s installation is inspired by audio-visual instruments dating back to the early 1700s. His exploration of sound and moving image touches on an array of interests including synesthesia, architecture, technology, and experimental film.

Recent iterations of VOLUMES have been presented at the Icebox Project Space in Philadelphia, PA, and at The Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, FL. This Spring, Masch will bring VOLUMES to Co-Lab Projects by activating the interior of a 40-ft long concrete culvert situated on the organization’s property. This site-specific audio-visual installation will feature performances by musicians from the Austin area and abroad. Masch sees the work as an opportunity to experiment with the process and perception of sonic performance: “Every performance is unique because individuals bring their own distinct approach and sensibilities to the table when interpreting this audio-visual interaction.” In curating the performances we have selected participants that represent a broad spectrum of musical cultures and philosophies, as each will approach the audio-visual interaction in their own distinct way.

Fusebox Performance Schedule:

April 16th @ 8pm features Sean Ripple & 9pm features Milo Tamez

Each event is ticketed separately, you’re welcome to get tickets for each and attend both!

Photosensitive warning: this exhibition contains bright flashing lights that could trigger seizures for people with visual sensitivities.

VOLUMES at the Ringling Museum in Sarasota, FL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUeWUKIx1Cw


Co-Lab Projects
5419 Glissman Road
Austin, TX 78702

Free Admission (advance reservations encouraged)

  • April 16, 2022 8:00 pm
  • April 16, 2022 9:00 pm