April 16, 2018

Continuing the work of the two previous issues of Written & Spoken, our third issue features a selection of Fusebox 2018 participating artists. These conversations provide insight into their artistic process and a taste of what you can expect at Fusebox this April!

Kate McIntosh on her intimate, tactile work In Many Hand

Austin New Music Co-op on composing New Music for James Turrell’s SkySpace

Johnnie Cruise Mercer on making his epic process memoir plunge in/to 534

Selina Thompson on her installation and performance Race Cards

Kaori Seki on her new work water and tears which explores the self and the other

Tania El Khoury on As Far As My Fingertips Take Me and her work with borders

Lindsey Taylor on cult films, bizarre covers, and making her two act dance Search for Flame/Jupiter

Kirk Lynn on his punk-rock portable performance The Cold Record

Wunderbaum talks about collectively making work and their latest exploration The History of my Stiffness

Erin Markey and Lindsey Sikes talk about making performance and Markey’s Boner Killer

Adam Bennett talks about the practice of slow looking at the Blanton Museum of Art

Ragnar Kjartansson on his sound sculpture S.S. Hangover launching soon at Laguna Gloria

Justin Shoulder talks to Neon Queen about queer mythology, prosthetics, and the making of the creature and performance Carrion

Christie Blizard on puppets, EDM, and making performance for parking lots for The Brave Human World