Ant Hampton

Ant Hampton (b.1975) founded Rotozaza in 1998, a project which explored the use of instructions given to unrehearsed ‘guest’ performers, both on stage and, subsequently, within more intimate structures sustained and played out by the audience themselves (Autoteatro). Between 1999 and 2009 Rotozaza was a partnership with Silvia Mercuriali; since then Ant has worked with Glen Neath, Joji Koyama, Isambard Khroustaliov, Tim Etchells, Gert-Jan Stam and Britt Hatzius to create the work detailed here. Ant’s Autoteatro series continues, with over 35 different language versions spread over 7 productions.

Other solo projects include ongoing experimentation around ‘live portraiture’ with Greg McLaren as The Other People (La Otra Gente): structured encounters with people from non-theatrical milieu. He was head dramaturg for ‘Projected Scenarios’ at Manifesta7 Biennial for Contemporary Art and has contributed to projects by Jerome Bel and Forced Entertainment. Prior to their recent collaboration ‘The Quiet Volume’, Ant worked with Tim Etchells for the 2009 ‘fantasy-protest’ programme of live-art for the ICA, ‘True Riches’.


Fusebox Performances