Anthology of the New Depression [FUSEBOX THURSDAY HUB NIGHT]

Dorian Wood

Since the beginning of 2021, artist Dorian Wood has recorded a different cover song every Friday for her Patreon subscribers, telling her story through the works of others. Over 100 songs (and counting) comprise this Anthology of the New Depression, originally interpreted by artists ranging from Barbra Streisand and Bad Bunny, to the Flaming Lips and Juan Gabriel. Wood brings a broad selection of these reimagined popular and folk classics to the stage in a devastatingly intimate voice-and-piano performance.

Anthology of the New Depression [FUSEBOX THURSDAY HUB NIGHT]

Hotel Vegas Wheelchair Accessible
1502 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78702

$15 tickets sold at the door, no prior reservation required

  • April 13, 2023 9:00 pm