Image from XYZ Atlas

Connected Health: XYZ Atlas @ Fusebox Festival

Join the Fusebox Festival community and partners in helping prototype new ways of hearing and visualizing a community’s emotional experiences through the XYZ Atlas for Fusebox Festival website or app.


You’ll be able to quickly share one or more of your experiences from the festival, help us learn what communities and artists want to see, and have the opportunity to view others’ experiences —in addition to getting the chance to take home a free Google Cardbord to explore the future of virtual reality.

Building on the extensive work already done by Fistera Studio, thinkEAST and Fusebox, the Design Institute for Health and Paul Stang (VP Global Epidemiology, Johnson and Johnson) are all collaborating to explore community engagement with its health data through a blend of public art, public health, and technology. Our hope is that this prototype for the festival will help us learn about and co-create community health visualizations for the thinkEAST community.

Fisterra Studio is led by Jennifer Chenoweth, a passionate advocate for artists, a savvy entrepreneur, and an accomplished artist. Her project, XYZ Atlas, maps the emotional experiences of Austinites onto the local geography where they occurred. It has been featured on the cover of Austin Way and at South by Southwest.

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