Is This A Room: Reality Winner Verbatim Transcription

Tina Satter / Half Straddle

A true story, still unfolding. On June 3, 2017, 25-year-old former Air Force linguist Reality Winner was surprised at her home by the FBI, interrogated, and charged with leaking evidence of Russian interference in our election. She’s now in jail with a record-breaking sentence. A simmering real-life thriller offering vital considerations of access, language, power, patriotism, and honor at this particularly loaded American moment.

From Fusebox Tina Satter’s riveting drama Is this A Room stages the transcript of Texas-born NSA interpreter Reality Winner who discovered and leaked the proof that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, and that this information was being kept from the public. It was one of the revelations that paved the way for  the Mueller report, one of the constant dramas that has been playing on our radios. This election year, we’re bringing this powerful performance home to Texas, which, in the age of “alternative facts”, stages the struggle and heroism that it takes to reveal the truth. We also look forward to welcoming Reality’s family and legal team, who will be speaking at the festival about Reality’s experience, and the future of her case.

The Austin presentation of Is This A Room  is supported by Harvey and Kathleen Guion.

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