Image by Juan Leduc
Lagartijas Tiradas Al Sol
What does democracy mean in Mexico today for some 50 million people living with the minimum wage? What do we expect from democracy today? What do we expect from politics beyond democracy?
Tijuana is a part of the larger “Democracy in Mexico (1965-2015)” project led by Lagartijas Tiradas Al Sol. For this ambitious endeavor the artists will create one piece about each state of the Mexican Republic dealing with different experiences of Mexican democracy. The 32 ‘portraits’ will look at the social, historical, biographical and fictional perspectives of Mexico.
For Tijuana specifically, company member Gabino Rodríguez assumed a different life for six months. He adopted a new name: Santiago Ramirez. He became a resident of Tijuana (Baja California), and worked for the minimum wage in a factory in the area. He had no contact with the places and people of his usual life. Tijuana shares his experience and investigates the possibilities of representation. The project asks, “What it is to live the life of another person?” Isn’t that the performance?
A project by Gabino Rodríguez Based on texts and ideas from: Gunter Walraff, Andrés Solano, Martin Caparrós. Address attached: Luisa Pardo. Lighting: Sergio López Vigueras. Scenic Painting: Pedro Pizarro. Audio Design: Juan Leduc. Video: Chantal Peñalosa and Carlos Gamboa. Artistic collaboration: Francisco Barreiro.