Image by Brian Fitzimmons

Play Party Workout

Erica Nix & David Culpepper

Are you depressed? Does everything inside of you tell you to crawl into a hole, watch trashy television, and do the bare minimum? Some people turn to exercise to relieve their anxiety and depression, but for others exercise is intimidating and scary. In addition, current physical culture trends are about “pushing yourself to your limits.” In today’s political climate do you feel like pushing yourself to your limits, or are you tired of being pushed around? Maybe you need a workout you can win. Maybe you need a workout that’s about having fun and building community. Maybe you need a cluster fuck of an experience that is so exciting and confusing that you don’t notice you are working out.  Maybe YOU NEED Play Party Workout! 

In collaboration with Dave Culpepper’s sculptural forms, Erica Nix choreographs an interactive training circuit to get your heart racing on a multitude of platforms – including (but not limited to): body weight strength training, pillow fights, ribbon dancing, and even . . . “dong ball.” Lying somewhere in between a field day and the mania of an energy fueled slumber party, there is something for everyone at PLAY PARTY WORKOUT! 

Bring clothing to get active and be ready for some hands-on, full-contact play with other consenting adults. Voyeurs welcome!

From Fusebox Performance-artist-turned-work-out-guru Erica Nix has teamed up with sculptor Dave Culpepper to create a queer fitness circuit that will have you breaking a sweat and jumping for joy. We spend so much time contemplating art with our heads, but let’s get into our bodies and join in for some radical, queer, community-based wellness! 

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